Get the Help You Need

Salary Coach Academy is your secret weapon in the compensation negotiation process. With us in your corner, you'll know exactly what to say and when to maximize your earning and benefits potential.

  • Show you how to answer salary questions in applications

  • Guide you through the Phone Screen to keep your negotiating leverage

  • Teach you how to maximize your value in formal interviews

  • Coach you through the complex politics of offer creation

  • Show you how to review your offer and know whether it's the right one for you (and show you how to safely push back or walk away if it's not)

  • Demonstrate how to safely ask for (and get) a better offer using our proven, low-risk techniques.

Relax and enjoy your job search, with no worries about how you'll get the salary and incentives you want and need.


Understand When to Negotiate

Knowing when to talk about money is tough. Salary is normally a taboo workplace topic, and the discomfort of "money talk" extends into job searches. It's awkward and frustrating not to know when or how to ask for the compensation you want. Waiting for an offer to negotiate means the company is in the driver's seat, and there isn't much room to ask for something different. It's easy to feel stuck, and even if the offer is good, to wonder if it could have been better.

Great news: Companies are willing to talk about salary, incentives, and all kinds of benefits throughout the hiring process. You just need a plan for pursuing your compensation priorities at every step of your job search, from application all the way to hire.

At the Salary Coach Academy, we have the strategy you need. With decades of experience negotiating on both sides of the hiring equation, we help you to learn what to say, and how to say it, at every step of the hiring process, so you won't have to worry about how to approach each conversation. You'll finish with the best possible package, filled with the rewards and working conditions you value most.


Learn What to Say at Each Step

"What is your salary requirement?"

If this question freezes your blood, you're totally normal. Answer too high? You're out of the running. Too low? The company wins, you lose. It's nerve-wracking and intimidating. And at every stage of the interview process, you'll hit these land-mine questions again and again.

But what if you know how to answer in a way that opens doors instead of closing them? Wat if your approach to talking compensation is so sure that you never have to worry about being screened out, declined, or painted into a financial corner? With the Salary Coach Academy, you can achieve this level of confidence and success.

Here's Why: Your Salary Coach has configured and developed many of the gatekeeping systems companies use, and he's trained hundreds of Recruiters on how to maneuver your salary expectations. The Academy offers you dozens of on-demand lessons and access to these HR-exclusive insights. With the secrets found in Salary Coach Academy, you'll sail through difficult questions and know how to manage conversations about compensation during interviews and at job offer time. You'll be confident and in control, instead of being at the mercy of a company Rec ruiter.


Know Your Options

Compensation is more than dollars and cents.

You may not be considering all the elements that go into building your dream job offer. Will you ask for a signing bonus? What bout vacation time, the ability to work from home, or a flexible schedule?

If you dream it, you can ask for it -- but here's the trick: you have to know how and when. Asking for too much too son seems greedy, like you aren't focused on the work. Wait too late, and the benefits you want might not even make it to the table. The potential for regret is real.

That's why you need the Salary Coach Academy in your corner. The easy-to-follow lessons in the Academy will help you to know when and how to press for more, when you have the most leverage, and when you can -- and should -- walk away. You'll know for sure that you maximized your opportunity to negotiate the work-life balance that matters to you.

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