Put My Experience in Your Corner

My name is John Gates, and I know how to help you ask for -- and get -- the best possible compensation package in your next career transition.

John Gates

Corporate Recruiting Executive

International Best-Selling Author

Your Salary Coach

Compensation Coaching for experienced professionals and executives in job transition

If you check out my LinkedIn profile, you'll see many titles in my career list like "Recruiting Process Architect," "Head of Global Recruitment," "Director of Recruiting Operations," and "Head of Talent Acquisition." Here's how that applies to you:

  • I have 30+ years of experience negotiating compensation packages: salary, incentives, and benefits.

  • As a corporate recruiting leader, I've been responsible for more than 75,000 extended job offers.

  • I personally have switched companies and started companies multiple times during my career.

  • I deeply understand the anxiety you are facing as you traverse the job market, because I've been there.

  • I know what recruiters are thinking as they ask you questions and formulate an offer package, because I teach them how to do it.

I bridge the gap between what you know and what recruiters know, so you have their tools in your toolkit. With my advice and coaching, you'll have everything you need to negotiate the best possible compensation package.

Invite me to help you, and take salary negotiation worries off your mind. With Salary Coach Academy in your corner, you can confidently say, "I got the best possible salary package they could offer."

Get In Touch: John@Salary.Coach

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